About the Initiative
About the Urban Extension Initiative
The Cooperative Extension Service has built a strong reputation by serving clientele in rural communities. The organization's credibility in the past has rested solidly on research-based knowledge and demonstrating changes in helping rural communities work through a wide-ranging list of issues and challenges. With the rapid expansion of urban America, Extension's potential for growth is tremendous.
The concept for the "Kentucky Urban Extension Initiative" rests on the Land Grant University missions of Research, Instruction, and Extension/Engagement and serves as our foundation. Kentucky's two Land Grant Institutions - The University of Kentucky and Kentucky State University utilize talented Extension faculty, staff, and administration, working together to serve others.
Evidence indicates that most citizens are unfamiliar with the unique mission of Land Grant Universities (Warner, Christenson, Dillman, and Salant, 1996). UEI will advocate for creative exposure to the Land Grant Mission and the development of new courses focusing on urban communities and Extension.
To strengthen the research knowledge base related to urban issues and Extension, a "Fellows Leadership Program" will provide professional support for those who serve and engage within urban communities across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This partnership between the UK College of Agriculture Food and Environment, Department of Community Leadership Development faculty, and Cooperative Extension will primarily focus on enhanced community engagement, leadership development, advocacy, and research, for agents, specialists, and administrators working in cities.
Finally, our urban serving Extension staff are committed to sharing their outstanding work, through video and social media. This "program sharing" of successful ideas will promote a sense of community within Extension for those working in cities.
Dr. Jeff Young
Director for Urban Extension
Referenced Publication
Warner, P. D., Christenson, J. A., Dillman, D. A., & Salant, P. (1996). Public Perception of Extension. Journal of Extension, 34(4), Article 4FEA1. Retrieved from http://www.joe.org/joe/1996august/a1.php